Thank You Notes

Thank you note review dates will be the first & second Friday in June from 4pm to 6pm and at Hoof Beat Park. Thank you notes will also be required of all Exhibitors who sold animals in the auction, received an award or ADD-ON. This includes garden barrels, still exhibits, scholarships, but not limited to ANY award. Club letters must be written by a youth club member and meet requirements outlined below.

Letters NOT reviewed at the note readings by the conclusion of the second reading will result in the seller receiving only the market value of their animal.

Checks will be available to auction participants following the review and acceptance of satisfactory letters by members of the HFFCF Board of Directors.

If Special circumstances arise (Health, learning disabilities, scheduling issues) please notify the HFFCF Livestock & Auction Chair prior to letter reading due dates for additional guidance.

Please DOWNLOAD the Thank you Note Guidelines: