Tickets are available from any HFFCF Exhibitor, HFFCF Board Members, or at the Sir Rusty booth during the fair
We couldn’t do what we do without our sponsors - please support these businesses who support us! Get your tickets from any exhibitor or board member and of course at the fair.
Along with our Ticket Sponsors - We also have our raffle donors we want to thank
Panited Hills Beef and Thom Mauritson and Healdsburg Future Farmers Country Fair :
The 2 awards of $500.00 gift certificates of Painted Hills Beef at Big John's Market or $500.00 cash is donated by Thom Mauritson and Painted Hills Beef in memory of Joe Rochioli.
The one choice lamb freezer ready or $100.00 cash is donated by Healdsburg Future Farmers Country Fair.